Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence National Conference (JSAI 2024) Organized Session: OS-32 "Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Applications"

Tuesday, May 28 - Friday, May 31, 2024 *OS dates to be determined

Act City Hamamatsu, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan + Online

Venue (conference room) *To be determined

The environment surrounding creative writing is rapidly changing in line with changes in the publishing environment and creative writing support by generative AI. This can be considered to represent a turning point in human history regarding creation. The appreciation of stories obtained through the act of creation promotes empathy for fictional events and characters, and story creation is an act in which people jointly move their minds toward a common fictional object. Generative AI, which learns from a large number of creative works and handles everything from reproduction to mixing, interferes significantly with these creative activities.
The democratization of creative technologies through artificial intelligence technology is expected to expand the role of storytelling in the human race. In addition to being a means of self-expression, stories will also play an increasing role as a means of communication, as people will learn about the expressive intentions of others through stories. In addition, the role of creators and writers is no longer limited to simply writing and publishing stories, as the publishing industry is shrinking due to the decline in the population. In SF Prototyping, one of the new attempts, writers collaborate with researchers and developers to discuss and jointly write a vision of the future as a story, which is then used as a basis for considering visions for companies and society. Rather than simply viewing creative works and looking for innovations from them, through the creative process, participants' imaginations are nurtured and used to support ideas.
Based on the background of narrative application that is expanding in this OS, we will explore the possibility of applying artificial intelligence technology to narrative. Specifically, we are looking for a wide range of submissions, including research on the mechanisms of story perception and idea support, research on creativity support technology using artificial intelligence technology, and research on supporting people's creativity using stories, such as science fiction prototyping and scenario planning.

Please apply through the submission site.

Please select "OS-32 Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Application" from the topics you wish to present.

2024年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI 2024



2024528(火)〜531(金) *OS開催日程調整中

静岡県浜松市  アクトシティ浜松 + オンライン

会場(会議室) *調整中

出版環境の変化および生成 AI による創作支援に伴い、創作を巡る環境が急速に変化している。これは、創作に関する人類史的な転換点を意味すると考えられる。創作行為によって得られる物語の鑑賞は、架空の出来事や人物に対する感情移入を促し、また、物語創作は人々が共通の架空の対象へ共同で心を動かす行為であり、人間が集団行動を行う上でも重要な意味を持つ。多量の創作物を学習対象とし、その複製からミキシングまでを手掛ける生成 AI は、こうした創作の営みに大きく干渉する。
人工知能技術による創作技術の民主化は、人類における物語の役割が広がることが期待される。自己表現としての物語に加え、また、物語を通じて他者の表現意図を知るという、コミュニケーションの手段としての役割も増大する。また、人口減に伴う出版産業などの縮小も合わせ、創作や作家の役割自体も、単純に物語を書いて出版するという形だけではなくなってきている。新しい試みの一つであるSF プロトタイピングでは、作家が研究者や開発者と共同で議論を行い、未来のビジョンを共同で物語として執筆し、それを元に企業や社会のビジョンを考察する。単純に創作物を鑑賞し、そこからイノベーションを探すのではなく、創作過程を通じて、参加者の想像力を養い、発想支援に役立てている。



発表希望テーマから、「OS-32 人工知能と物語応用」を選択ください。