We will hold public session at Tsukuba Conference.
Human-agent interaction is growing area for modeling interactions between human and artificial machinery. An agent is an object or technology that people interact with as if it is able to act with its own purposes, motivations, and intentions. People attribute agency to many things and technologies in their everyday lives, which is a common area of research, for example, with robots, virtual characters and video games, virtual reality, smart cars, and so forth. This area covers several multiple areas including engineering, design, and humanity. We will conduct a open-workshop to discuss how human-agent interaction will extend our future life, based on power of imagination.


Omar MUBIN West Sydney University, Senior Lecturer

Mohammad OBAID UNSW Art and Design, Lecturer

Hirotaka Osawa University of Tsukuba, Assistant ProfessorM

MIYAMOTO Dohjin PhD student in the University of Tokyo JST RISTEX


  • 13:30-14:00:OSAWA Hirotaka, Introduction for Human-Agent Interaction
  • 14:00-15:00: Mohammad OBAID, Designing Human-Agent Interaction
  • 15:00-15:30: break
  • 15:30-16:30: Omar MUBIN, How to make good society with HAI? from viewpoint of virtuous robotics
  • 16:30-17:00: Panel talk, Chairperson MIYAMOTO Dohjin

Human-Agent Interaction, Social Robotics, Virtual Agent, Artificial Intelligence, Affective Computing, Persuasive Technology

Session Info

  • Session Name Human-Agent Interaction and Imagination for Future Society
  • Session ID N20C
  • Date October 4, 2019
  • Place 201B 202A
  • Session Organizer Hirotaka Osawa (University of Tsukuba)

WebSite http://aisf.work/

この領域には、エンジニアリング、設計、人間性など、複数の領域が含まれている。本セッションでは国際会議HAIのプログラムチェアであるOmar Mubin、Mohammad Obaidの両名を招き、日英同時通訳のワークショップを開催し、人間とエージェントの相互作用が、想像力に基づいて、私たちの将来の人生をどのように延長するかについて議論する。


Omar MUBIN West Sydney University, Senior Lecturer

Mohammad OBAID UNSW Art and Design, Lecturer

大澤 博隆 筑波大学、助教

宮本 道人 東京大学、博士課程 JST RISTEX HITE「想像力のアップデート:人工知能のデザインフィクション」、プロジェクト実施者

13:30-14:00:OSAWA Hirotaka, Introduction for Human-Agent Interaction
14:00-15:00: Mohammad OBAID, Designing Human-Agent Interaction
15:00-15:30: break
15:30-16:30: Omar MUBIN, How to make good society with HAI? from viewpoint of virtuous robotics
16:30-17:00: Panel talk, Chairperson MIYAMOTO Dohjin
Human-Agent Interaction, Social Robotics, Virtual Agent, Artificial Intelligence, Affective Computing, Persuasive Technology
セッション名称 Human-Agent Interaction and Imagination for Future Society
セッションID N20C
開催日時 2019年10月4日(金)
開催場所 201B 202A
セッションオーガナイザー 大澤 博隆(筑波大学)

ウェブサイト http://aisf.work/