Updating Power of Imagination: Artificial Intelligence with Design Fiction
We will investigate how science fiction (SF), which has drawn science and technology and the process of acceptance in the society in the form of a story, influences the development of artificial intelligence. Our project will survey literatures about the history of people's imagination including hope and anxiety about artificial intelligence technology. The project also organizes and visualizes discuss the relationships between AI, SF and society with writers, creators, editors, and science, engineering, and humanity researchers.
The project also will illustrate the future visions as new design fiction that explain the process of social implementation on artificial intelligences and agent technologies by related people.
With both surveys and creations, we want to propose a design method to the future society based on the recent possibilities and problems, and we hope to contribute to humankind about pioneering future technologies and societies.
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- OSAWA Hirotaka大澤 博隆 Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University 慶應義塾大学理工学部 准教授
- HASE Satoshi長谷 敏司 Executive board member, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan 日本SF作家クラブ 理事
- MIYAMOTO Dohjin宮本 道人 Researcher, University of Tsukuba 筑波大学 研究員
- SAIJO Reina西條 玲奈 Assistant Professor, Tokyo Denki University 東京電機大学 助教
- FUKUCHI Kentaro福地 健太郎 Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University 明治大学 総合数理学部 教授
- MIYAKE Yoichiro三宅 陽一郎 Specially Appointed Professor, Rikkyo University/Executiveboard member, Digital Games Research Association Japan 立教大学 特任教授/ 日本デジタルゲーム学会 理事
- FUJII Taiyo 藤井 太洋 Executiveboard member, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan 日本SF作家クラブ 理事
- ICHISE Ryutaro 市瀬 龍太郎 Editor-in-chief, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 人工知能学会編集委員会 編集長
- YAMAKAWA Hiroshi 山川 宏 Leader, Whole Brain Architecture Initiative 全脳アーキテクチャ・イニシアティブ 代表
- IIZUKA Shigeyoshi 飯塚 重善 Chief, HCD-Net SIG-SF Movie HCD-Net SF映画研究会 主査
- MIZOBUCHI Kumiko 溝渕 久美子 Lecturer, Doho Univesity 同朋大学 非常勤講師
- Mohammad Obaid M. Obaid UNSW Art and Design Lecturer UNSW Art and Design Lecturer
- Omar Mubin Omar Mubin West Sydney University Senior Lecturer West Sydney University Senior Lecturer
- KUSAKA Sanzo 日下 三蔵 Editor, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan 日本SF作家クラブ フリー編集者
- YAMANOBE Kazuki 山野辺 一記 Executive board member, Japan Game ScenarioWriters Association 日本ゲームシナリオライター協会 理事
- SHIOZAWA Yoshihiro 塩澤 快浩 Editor-in Chief, S-F Magazine, Hayakawa Publishing Corporation 早川書房「S-Fマガジン」編集長
- Denis TAILLANDIER Denis T. Associate Professor, Ritsukmeikan University 立命館大学 准教授
- TODOKI Uka 届木 ウカ
- FUJIMOTO Atsuya 藤本 敦也 Senior Researcher, Management Innovation Division, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. 三菱総合研究所 経営イノベーション本部 事業戦略グループ 主任研究員
- MIYATA Ryu 宮田 龍 Science Communicator, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation 日本科学未来館 科学コミュニケーター