We will hold an international symposium (With simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation) in the form of an online webinar as follows. Please apply if you are interested.
Date and Time
[Part 1 and Part 2] Saturday, March 27, 2021 9: 00 ~ 13: 30
[Part 3 and Part 4] Sunday, March 28, 2021 9 : 00 ~ 13 : 30
*It is possible to attend only one of them.
Zoom Webinar (Free participation fee, with simultaneous Japanese-English interpretation)
Capacity: 400 people per day
*The reception will be on a first-come-first-served basis and will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.
Application form
This linkopens in a separate window, so please apply. We will send instructions on how to join the Zoom webinar to your e-mail address at a later date.
March 27 (Saturday) 9 : 00 ~ 13 : 30
Host: Keiichi Yamazaki
Greeting from Saitama University (Director Shigehara) 9: 00 ~ 9: 20
Part 1 Plenary Sessions Science, Technology and Imagination 1 9: 20 ~ 11: 00
Chair: Minao KUKITA (5 minutes for introductions to speakers + 30 minutes for presentations + 15 minutes for questions and answers)
Kazuki Ichida, "The zero-day vulnerability of our democracy"
Chair: SUGIURA Susumu (5 minutes for introductions to speakers + 30 minutes for presentations + 15 minutes for questions and answers)
Satoshi Hase "Giant Risks and the Imagination of Life"
PART 2: Cooperation AND Diversification of Science and TEchnology in the Pandemic Period 11: 10 ~ 13: 30
Chair: Ako Kobayashi, Minao Kukita
Report 11: 10 ~ 11: 50 (15 Minutes of Announcement + 5 Minutes of Questions)
Tomohiro Inoue, (Associate Professor, Komazawa University), "The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Employment"
Kaoru Kanai (Professor, Saitama University), "How face-to-face sales will change under COVID-19 Pandemic in Japanese Life-Insurance Companies?"
Discussion: 12: 00 ~ 13: 30 Panelists: Chairperson, Speakers, and Steering Committee Members
March 28 (Sunday) 9 : 00 ~ 13 : 30
Host: Keiichi Yamazaki
Greeting from Saitama University (President Sakai) 9: 00 ~ 9: 20
Part 3 Plenary Sessions Science, Technology and Imagination 1 9: 20 ~ 11: 00
Chair: Hirotaka Osawa (5 minutes for introductions to speakers + 30 minutes for presentations + 15 minutes for questions and answers)
Touya Tachihara (Writer and Associate Professor, Hokusei Gakuen University) "Chinese science fiction, civilization and education"
Chair: NONAKA Susumu (5 minutes for introductions to speakers + 30 minutes for presentations + 15 minutes for questions and answers)
Mitsuyoshi Numano (Vice-President, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies; Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo) "The Literature of Science Fiction and Visions of the End of the World: How Russian and East European Writers Have Coped with Crimes?"
Part 4 Post-Pandemic Intelligence and Society 11: 10 ~ 13: 30
Chair: Hirotaka Osawa
Report 11: 10 ~ 12: 10 (15 Minutes of Announcement + 5 Minutes of Questions)
Yuichiro Anzai (Advisor to the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Chairman of the Central Council for Education) "Epistemology of Empathy"
Junichi Rekimoto (Professor, The University of Tokyo) "Augmented Society: the Future Society created by Human Augmentation"
Yuko Murakami (Professor, Rikkyo University) "Information Education toward the Society with Nobody Left Behind"
Entire debate 12: 20 ~ 13: 20
Panelists: Satoshi Hase, Kazuki Ichida, Kazuhisa Todayama (Nagoya University) + MC, presenter and steering committee member
Closing remarks (Vice President Kawai) 13: 20 ~ 13: 30
Sponsor: Saitama University
■Co-hosted by "Study Group on Collaborative Methods in the Pandemic Era" (Leader: Keiichi Yamazaki)
■Co-Sponsorship of Scientific Research Grants, Challenging Research (sprouting) “Constructing ethno-medialogy: Interdisciplinary investigations of correlations and transformations of narrative, embodiment and imagery” (Leader: Keiichi Yamazaki)
■Co-hosted (Part 2) Basic Research (A) "Literacy in a post-truth age (Leader: Minao Kukita) "
■Co-host (PART IV) JST RISTEX HITE Updating Power of Imagination: Artificial Intelligence with Design Fiction (Leader: Hirotaka Osawa)Steering Committee: Keiichi Yamazaki, Susumu Nonaka, Ako Kobayashi, Hirotaka Osawa (University of Tsukuba), Minao Kukida (Nagoya Univ.)
Saitama University International Symposium Management Office
ethnomethodologylab [at] gmail.com
一田和樹(作家)「基調報告1 民主主義のゼロデイ脆弱性」/ Kazuki Ichida, “The zero-day vulnerability of our democracy”
司会 杉浦晋 (登壇者紹介5分+発表30分+質疑応答15分)
登壇 長谷敏司「基調報告2 巨大リスクと生活の想像力」(SF作家・日本SF作家クラブ理事) / Satoshi Hase “Giant Risks and the Imagination of Life”
第2部 パンデミック時代における科学技術がもたらす協働と分断化 11:10~13:30
司会 小林亜子、久木田水生
報告 11:10~11:50 (発表15分+質疑5分)
井上智洋(駒澤大学准教授)「人工知能と雇用の未来」/ Tomohiro Inoue, “The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Employment”
金井郁(埼玉大学教授)「コロナによる対面営業の変化とジェンダー:生命保険営業の事例から」/ Kaoru Kanai, “How face-to-face sales will change under Covid-19 Pandemic in Japanese Life-Insurance Companies?”
全体討論 12:00~13:30 パネリスト:司会者・登壇者・運営委員
3月28日(日曜) 9:00~13:30
総合司会・進行 山崎敬一
埼玉大学 挨拶 (坂井学長)9:00~9:20
第3部 プレナリーセッション 科学技術と想像力1 9:20~11:00
司会 大澤博隆 (登壇者紹介5分+発表30分+質疑応答15分)
登壇 立原透耶(作家・北星学園大学准教授)「中国SFと文明、教育」
司会 野中進 (登壇者紹介5分+発表30分+質疑応答15分)
登壇 沼野充義(名古屋外国語大学副学長・東京大学名誉教授)「空想する文学と世界終末のヴィジョン--ロシア・東欧作家たちは危機とどう向き合ってきたか」/Mitsuyoshi Numano “The Literature of Science Fiction and Visions of the End of the World: How Russian and East European Writers Have Coped with Crises?”
第4部 パンデミック後の知能と社会 11:10~13:30
司会 大澤博隆
報告 11:10~12:10(発表15分+質疑5分)
安西祐一郎(日本学術振興会顧問・中央教育審議会会長)「共感の認識論」/ Yuichiro Anzai “Epistemology of Empathy”
暦本純一(東京大学教授)「Augmented Society:人間拡張がつくる未来社会」/ Junichi Rekimoto, “Augmented Society: the Future Society created by Human Augmentation”
村上祐子(立教大学教授)「誰も取り残さない社会に備える情報教育」/ Yuko Murakami “Information Education toward the Society with Nobody Left Behind”