
Science fiction has a strong influence on artificial intelligence field. While science fiction has spawned ideas and motivated researchers, it has also created anxiety about AI. In this project, we will present the research results on how AI is handled in SF, and discuss the relationship between fiction and reality of future society through the panels of VR researcher Takuji Narumi, who tries to extend human cognitive ability, virtual creator Uka Todoki, who is involved in fictional design in many fields, and SF writer Katsuie Shibata, who focuses on connection of folklore imagination and technology.
We will broadcast this session by online as below.


Takuji NARUMI:

A VR researcher at the University of Tokyo. He was graduated from Hirose Laboratory, the University of Tokyo, famous for VR research, and is currently a full-time lecturer at Hirose, Kuzuoka and Narumi Laboratory, the University of Tokyo. In VR research, he is focusing on editing human perception and changing values. His creation "Unlimited Corridor" with Yohei Yanase in Unity (Developer of "Shadow of The Colossus" etc.) with received the 20 Media Art Festival by the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

  • Cyber Interface Lab.

Virtual creator, also as engineer. Uka-sama appeared as a virtual-YouTuber on January 3, 2018, with influenced by famous indie creator "Virtual Noja Loli Foxgirl Youtuber Uncle." From April 9, 2018, Uka-sama joined ENTUM, a virtual YouTuber's office, and published essay and conversation about experince of virtual character on June 27, 2018 "Eureka". Uka-sama also designed VR drama 'Virus' in September, 2018 times, and joined as supporter in AIxSF Project since November 2018. Uka-sama also designed VR broadcasting station VRoadCaster V-TV master of ceremonies, configuration script.

  • Uka Todoki's Channel
Katsuie SHIBATA:

Young science fiction writer. He also received Masters of Folklore Studies in Seijo University. He has created many works that combine folk imagination with science fiction. His name is comes from busho (Japanese military commander) in the Sengoku period. He also has a lot of interest in VR and artificial intelligence technologies, and has written novels about them. He is also a producer of Yume Narumiya in the IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls.

  • Wisdom Creates Characters: Katsuie Shibata, Forward Thinking Ignite Imagination, RICOH
Satoshi HASE:

Born in Osaka in 1974. In 2001, he made his debut with 'Strategic base 32098 paradise' (Kadokawa), which won the 6th Sneaker Grand Prize, and then he expanded his activities to SF from Light Novel. In 2015, he received the 35th Japan Science Fiction Award for 'My Humanity' (Hayakawa Shobo). His other works include 'Circuit Girl' series (Kadokawa), 'A story for you.' (Hayakawa Shobo), 'BEATLESS' (Kadokawa), and 'Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater' (Kadokawa).


Born in Tokyo in 1989. He is enrolled in the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.
He studied neuroscience while writing. It examines the framework for promoting open science, the application of fiction to the real world, and the possibility of the transformation of human beings. Written and edited 'Literature after the Great East Japan Earthquake' and co-authored 'Where are the players going?' etc. His main contributors are "Eureka" "a weekly reader". It is also focusing on cooperation in different fields such as manga and stage productions.


Part 1: Artificial Intelligence and Fiction

  • 9:00-9:05, Project prospectus, Hirotaka OSAWA
  • 9:05-9:20, Results of a survey of AI representations in science fiction" Dohjin MIYAMOTO & Satoshi HASE

Part 2: Redesigning Reality

  • 9:20-10:05, Takuji NARUMI (The University of Tokyo), Uka TODOKI (Virtual creator *from virtual presentation), Katsuie SHIBATA (Writer)

Part 3: The Intelligence and Physical Nature of Future Society

  • 10:05-10:40, Panel Talk "How to draw future intelligence", Hirotaka OSAWA, Dohjin MIYAMOTO, Satoshi HASE, Takushi NARUMI, Uka TODOKI, Katsuie SHIBATA

Theme (planning)

The following themes are planned for the panelists to coordinate with each other in advance.

  • Extraction of reality and physiological findings
  • The ethics of a character as a work of creation
  • Realism in folklore and fiction
  • Democratization of experience through VR
  • Synchronization of experience in Social VR
  • Embodiment and social intelligence

Other questions for panelists (We plan to use the results of the questions after confirming them in advance.)


Hirotaka OSAWA (University of Tsukuba), Satoshi HASE (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan), Dohjin MIYAMOTO (Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo), Reina SAIJO (Kyoto University), Kentaro FUKUCHI (Meiji University), Yoichiro Miyake (Digital Game Society of Japan)




2019年6月5日(水)09:00 〜 10:40 人工知能学会全国大会 朱鷺メッセ K会場 (201A 中会議室)




東京大学のVR研究者。VR研究で有名な東京大学廣瀬研出身であり、現在は東京大学廣瀬・葛岡・鳴海研の専任講師。VR研究の中で、特に、人間の知覚を編集し、価値観を変えることを目的に置いた研究を行っている。Unityの簗瀬洋平氏(「ワンダと巨像」等の開発)とのVR作品「無限回廊 Unlimited Corridor」で第20回文化庁メディア芸術祭受賞。

  • 情報処理学会IPSJ-ONE 自己紹介
  • 研究室に行ってみた。東京大学 VR ヴァーチャルリアリティ 鳴海拓志

バーチャルクリエイター。技術者&創作者。「バーチャルのじゃロリ狐娘youtuberおじさん」の影響を受け、2018年1月3日にYouTuberに登場し、バーチャルYouTuberとして活動。2018年4月9日よりバーチャルYouTuber事務所ENTUMへの所属。2018年06月27日 「ユリイカ」2018年7月号エッセイ&対談掲載。2018年9月 360度VR演劇『Virus』制作&出演。2018年11月より、AIxSFプロジェクトサポーター。VR放送局VRoadCaster V-TV総合司会、構成台本。

  • 届木ウカ Channel
  • VRoadCaster インタビュー
  • 届木ウカ, 個人バーチャルYouTuberという「自身のイデア」 - 自己の再出産と魂の交歓. ユリイカ, vol. 50, no. 7, pp.60–63. 2018.
  • 届木ウカ & 月ノ美兎, 委員長は美少年の夢を見るか?. ユリイカ, vol. 50, no. 7, pp.68–78. 2018.


  • 戦国武将、SFを書く──柴田勝家インタビュー
  • 『 クロニスタ』刊行記念 柴田勝家Q&A
  • 柴田勝家, 雲南省スー族におけるVR技術の使用例, 早川書房.
  • 柴田勝家P, 「アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ ビューイングレボリューション」体験記 星の光の向こう側, 早川書房
  • 柴田勝家, ヒト夜の永い夢, 早川書房.

1974年、大阪生まれ。2001年、第6回スニーカー大賞金賞を受賞した『戦略拠点32098 楽園』(KADOKAWA)でデビューしたのち、ライトノベルからSFに活動の場を広げる。2015年、『My Humanity』(早川書房)で第35回日本SF大賞を受賞。その他の著作に『円環少女』シリーズ(KADOKAWA)、『あなたのための物語』(早川書房)、『BEATLESS』(KADOKAWA)、『メタルギアソリッド スネークイーター』(KADOKAWA)など。




第一部: 人工知能とフィクションについて

  • 9:00-9:05, 企画趣旨説明, 大澤博隆(筑波大学)
  • 9:05-9:20, 「SF作品におけるAI表象の調査結果」, 宮本道人(東京大学)&長谷敏司(日本SF作家クラブ)

第二部: リアリティの再設計

  • 9:20-10:05, 鳴海拓志(東京大学), 届木ウカ(バーチャルクリエイター ※バーチャル登壇), 柴田勝家(作家)

第三部: 未来社会の知能・身体性

  • 10:05-10:40, パネルトーク「未来の知能の描き方」, 大澤博隆, 宮本道人, 長谷敏司, 鳴海拓志, 届木ウカ, 柴田勝家



  • リアリティの抽出、生理学的知見
  • 被創作物としてのキャラクターの倫理
  • 伝承とフィクションにおけるリアルさ
  • VRによる経験の民主化
  • ソーシャルなVRによる同期的な体験
  • 身体性と社会性



大澤博隆 (筑波大学システム情報系), 長谷敏司 (日本SF作家クラブ), 宮本道人 (東京大学大学院 理学系研究科), 西條 玲奈 (京都大学), 福地 健太郎 明治大学 総合数理学部), 三宅 陽一郎 (日本デジタルゲーム学会)