ProjectJST RInCA 企画調査

ProjectJST RInCA 企画調査

The SF prototyping method is a method in which experts and writers join together to create a vision based on the future society's vision, problems of science and technology, and social innovation in the form of narrative works based on the technology description method, empathy method, and plot creation of science fiction (SF). In this research project, participants in SF prototyping are involved in value co-creation through cognitive science analysis based on their conversation, behavior, consciousness, and creation results. Specifically, participants in SF prototyping develop prototypes of facilitation methods that generate responsible research and innovation, and apply the developed methods in various fields to evaluate how participants' imagination of narrative ideas and facilitation that arouse participants' interaction affect their discussion and emergent behavior.



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  • OSAWA Hirotaka大澤 博隆 Leader/ Assistant Professor, Univ. of Tsukuba リーダー/助教
  • NISHINAKA Miwa西中 美和 Professor, Kagawa Univ. 香川大学 教授
  • KIYOKAWA Sachiko清河 幸子 Associate Professor, The Univ. of Tokyo 東京大学 准教授
  • FUJIMOTO Atsuya藤本 敦也 Researcher 三菱総合研究所 経営イノベーション本部 事業戦略グループ 主任研究員
  • MINEGISHI Tomoya峯岸 朋弥 PhD candidate, Univ. of Tsukuba 筑波大学 博士課程
  • NAMBA Yuuki難波 優輝 Resesarcher, Theo Corp セオ商事哲学事業部 newQ リサーチャー
  • HASEGAWA Ai長谷川 愛 Artist アーティスト
  • MIYATA Ryu宮田 龍 Science Communicator 科学コミュニケーター
  • IKEZAWA Haruna 池澤 春菜 Chairperson, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Japan 日本SF作家クラブ 会長
  • Ruth WYLIE ルース ワイル Assist. Director, Arizona State Univ. アリゾナ州立大学 アシスタント・ディレクター
  • WU Yan 呉岩 Professor 南方科技大学 教授