Our research on SF prototyping presented at KICSS 2022 received the Outstanding Paper Award. This research was led by Prof. Sachiko Kiyokawa of the University of Tokyo, in collaboration with Tomoya Minegishi of our laboratory, Dr. Dohjin Miyamoto, a visiting researcher, Prof. Miwa Nishinaka of Kagawa University, NewQ, Mr. Yuki Namba, an aesthetics researcher, and Mr. Ryu Miyata, a science communicator, and is the result of the project "Planning and Research of SF Prototyping Methods to Promote Responsible Research and Innovation The project is a result of the project "Planning and Investigation of SF Prototyping Methods to Promote Responsible Research and Innovation".

Sachiko Kiyokawa, Dohjin Miyamoto, Miwa Nishinaka, Yuuki Namba, Tomoya Minegishi, Ryu Miyata, and Hirotaka Osawa. 2022. Science Fiction Prototyping Method Improves Readers’ Narrative Experiences. In International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, accepted.

KICSS 2022で発表したSFプロトタイピングの研究がOutstanding Paper Awardを受賞しました。本研究は東大清河幸子先生が筆頭の研究で、当研究室の峯岸朋弥さん、訪問研究員の宮本道人さんを始めとし、香川大西中美和先生、NewQ、美学研究者の難波優輝さん、科学コミュニケーターの宮田龍さんとの共同研究であり、プロジェクト「責任ある研究とイノベーションを促進するSFプロトタイピング手法の企画調査」の成果となります。

Sachiko Kiyokawa, Dohjin Miyamoto, Miwa Nishinaka, Yuuki Namba, Tomoya Minegishi, Ryu Miyata, and Hirotaka Osawa. 2022. Science Fiction Prototyping Method Improves Readers’ Narrative Experiences. In International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, accepted.